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What is a $holyheld tag?
It is a secure identifier that allows your friends, family, as well as smart contracts, and favorite protocols to send money, and for you to accept it on the debit card without exposing your wallet address or personal details.
How exactly does it work?
By signing a tag with your wallet, you create a one-way connection. Your wallet, and your Holyheld account become attached to the tag, allowing you to share it without exposing your personal details. We use zk-technology to securely create the hash. When your friends send you money, the smart contracts recognise the account connected to the specified tag, allowing you to accept or decline incoming transaction.
How much does it cost?
It’s free. It costs zero, zilch, zip, nil, nought, nothing. In order to create a tag, all you need is to choose the desired available tag, and sign it with your self-custody wallet.
How to create a $holytag?
It is very easy to do, and you can always change your $holytag later. To create a $holytag:
- Go to
Holyheld Web or mobile app - Go to
Settings - Click on
"Holytag" - Choose the holytag you’d like to reserve
- Click on “Get the $holytag”
- Confirm with the signature in your wallet
How to update a $holytag?
If you decided to change your $holytag, you can do so at any time. To change a $holytag:
- Go to
Holyheld Web or mobile app - Go to
Settings - Click on
"Holytag" - Enter new updated $holytag
- Click on Update the $holytag”
- Confirm with the signature in your wallet
Can I use bad words in my tag?
No, please don’t. If you’ll use inappropriate, offensive, or copyright infringed words, it will be taken down.
What are the benefits for owning a tag?
Well, first of all, you get to keep the name you finally want. Also, tags open up all onchain composability, and allow your favorite crypto protocols to easily work with Holyheld. Tags also allow you to invite your friends to Holyheld via your personal referral link, and get rewards when they order the card.