Onchain works offchain also

Talk to our onchain team

Talk to our onchain team

Holyheld SDK allows your dapp, protocol, wallet, or even a network to natively integrate crypto cash out for your users. All while preserving your core logic for Holyheld users. Bring your primitive to offchain.

  • Home for Onchain Primitives.

    Supply collateral to borrow 💸. Earn 💰 on deposit. Receive 💧 rewards on LSDs. Or simply use your 👛 to cash out on Holyheld card with a simple wallet signature.
  • Onchain native SDK

    If your app supports onchain wallets, you can integrate SDK in 30 minutes or less.

    Try Holyheld SDK
  • Super­charge your dapp

    Create new money experience offchain. Create products, your users want.

  • We are where you are

    All networks are supported natively. Users never have to bridge.

    Don’t see your network supported yet? Let us know.

  • You scored 0

    Not a developer? No devs?

    No problem. We will take care of the integration.
    Concentrate on what matters — your product.

    Press the arrows on the keyboard to catch tricky faces.

    Press the arrows on the keyboard to catch tricky faces.

  • Create custom reward programs

    Build custom reward programs for Holyheld users using your primitive. Reward real users for what matters.

  • One of us. One of us.

  • Talk to us

    Talk to our onchain team

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