Error handling

Some errors have the class HolyheldSDKError. The most helpful property of these errors is code. You can compare code with the values in the HolyheldSDKErrorCode.

import { HolyheldSDKError, HolyheldSDKErrorCode } from '@holyheld/sdk';

const holyheldSDK = new HolyheldSDK({
  apiKey: process.env.HOLYHELD_SDK_API_KEY,

(async () => {
  try {
    await holyheldSDK.offRamp.topup(/* ... */);
  } catch (error) {
    if (
      error instanceof HolyheldSDKError &&
      (error.code === HolyheldSDKErrorCode.UserRejectedTransaction ||
        error.code === HolyheldSDKErrorCode.UserRejectedSignature)
    ) {
      // it's okay
    } else {
      // it's not okay


enum HolyheldSDKErrorCode {
  NotInitialized = 'HSDK_NI', // SDK is not initialized
  FailedInitialization = 'HSDK_FI', // cannot initialize SDK
  UnsupportedNetwork = 'HSDK_UN', // wallet active network is not supported by SDK
  InvalidTopUpAmount = 'HSDK_ITUA', // amount does not meet minimum or maximum allowed criteria
  InvalidOnRampAmount = 'HSDK_IORA', // amount does not meet minimum or maximum allowed criteria
  UnexpectedWalletNetwork = 'HSDK_UWN', // wallet active network is different from the selected network
  UserRejectedSignature = 'HSDK_RS', // user rejected the signature
  UserRejectedTransaction = 'HSDK_RT', // user rejected transaction
  FailedSettings = 'HSDK_FS', // cannot get settings
  FailedTagInfo = 'HSDK_FTI', // cannot get $holytag info
  FailedAddressInfo = 'HSDK_FAI', // cannot get address info
  FailedWalletBalances = 'HSDK_FWB', // cannot get wallet balance
  FailedConversion = 'HSDK_FC', // cannot estimate EUR to TOKEN, or TOKEN to EUR
  FailedTopUp = 'HSDK_FTU', // cannot complete top up
  FailedCreateOnRampRequest = 'HSDK_FCOR', // cannot create on-ramp request
  FailedOnRampRequest = 'HSDK_FOR', // fail execute on-ramp request with reason (for example not enough balance)
  FailedWatchOnRampRequestTimeout = 'HSDK_FwORT', // watch request timeout
  FailedWatchOnRampRequest = 'HSDK_FWORR', // fail to watch request status
  FailedConvertOnRampAmount = 'HSDK_FCORA', //cannot convert (estimate) EUR to TOKEN, or TOKEN to EUR
  FailedOnRampEstimation = 'HSDK_FCORA', // cannot estimate the network fee amount and the final token amount